HazElec takes its commitment to people and the environment very seriously. In fact our clients are so impressed with our safety focus and investment by staff, they believe this above all else makes HazElec a standout in the industry.
The health, safety and well-being of our employees, the environment and all of the people associated with the work we do is our upmost priority and will not be compromised.
To ensure the highest standard of safety and its integrity is retained in these key areas at all times, HazElec implemented a multi-faceted Work Health Safety Security and Environment (WHSSE) system. Based on the practices and policies provided by one of our international customers, the HazElec WHSSE system has been tailored to suit our specific needs, services and equipment, as well as our legal and moral responsibilities. It includes, but is not limited to:
Work Health, Safety and Environment Policy Statement
Environmental Policy
Harassment and Discrimination Prevention Policy
These documents provide the governance for and form the basis of an extensive array of industry appropriate policies and procedures, which are designed to ensure best practice across all areas, at all times.
HazElec worked closely with BP Australia to implement and adhere to these processes and systems and conducts an annual system of review, in conjunction with internal and external resources. These reviews allow us to keep abreast of industry developments and ensure the WHSSE system is operating effectively to achieve optimum results.
HazElec undertakes annual onsite audits of all of our Safety Programs. In recognition of our success in this area, HazElec was awarded the BP Certificate of High Achievement. We also undertake online WHHSE audits for Shell Australia and Caltex, and have attained high passes in both systems.
At HazElec we understand safety is an ever evolving process and we strive to meet the highest standards possible, at all times. HazElec has an impeccable safety record and ongoing training ensures all products and personnel meet, and where possible exceed, required industry standards.
We are ready to start on your project.
T: 1300 988 891
Cairns | Townsville | Mt Isa | Darwin